Numerous studies show that learning through play and using toys with music is an important part of a child’s development. It is important that your children have play time to release some extra energy, a child begins to discover who they are through play, even during childhood.
Even at the beginning of development, a child’s mind expands by simply looking at his environment and assimilating his environment.
The use of educational toys and toys with music can help children learn many different skills they will need in their lives, such as:
- Problem solving and cause and effect learning
- Learning to play with others through engagement, conflict resolution and exchange
- Development of fine and coarse motor skills
- Nurturing your creativity and imagination
- Discovering your independence and positive self-esteem
Children can begin to benefit from educational toys as early as one month of age. Here are some great ideas for educational toys based on age range and an explanation of their benefits.
From 1 to 12 months:
At an early age, sensory play and music therapy help stimulate your child’s senses. Mobile phones, pacifiers and children’s gymnasiums are excellent first toys for children, as they focus on sensory play through sound, sight and touch.
As your child continues to grow and develop hand-eye coordination, families can begin to introduce toys that encourage greater interaction, such as portable toys that will continue to inspire the visual and auditory senses with flashing lights and different sounds.
As your child becomes more active, we suggest that you introduce problem-solving toys, such as stackers or blocks. These toys will help children overcome conflict and become familiar with cause and effect, such as “If I do this, it will happen. They’ll also increase their confidence once they’ve been able to figure out how a toy works after rehearsal and error and orientation.
Other great toys to present would be those that promote movement, such as tracking learning centers or illuminated dance blankets. Such toys make children excited and eager to move with the use of lights and sounds.
From 12 to 24 months of age:
As your child reaches the mark of a year or more, they will soon become very mobile. Push cars, mosquitoes, and walkers are ideal for teaching balance and coordination, and will increase your child’s curiosity with his or her new mobility. As your child begins to learn to walk, you can also incorporate learning numbers by counting the steps that will help him or her become familiar with terms and meaning, even if they don’t understand it at this age.
Theme games are excellent educational toys to introduce between the ages of 12-18 months as they will help develop your child’s recognition skills. For example, if you have a theme game involving animals, practice what sound each animal makes. This will also help with language development by reinforcing the names of colors and shapes.
Ride-on toys continue to stimulate creativity and imagination, but they will also help refine your coordination skills. When using their riding toys, establish detours and paths that will push them to solve problems and follow directions. You can also play roles with them by telling them that they will visit a family member or go on a field trip.
More than 2 years:
As your children grow a little and become more active, you may also introduce toys that promote more physical play such as tricycles or basketball hoops. When showing them how to use these toys, always make sure they are aware of safety concerns, such as wearing a helmet and incorporating them into the toy use process, so that they know that if they ride their tricycle, they should also wear a helmet.
This is also a great age to introduce toys that incorporate the construction of cognitive skills. Kinetic sand is a great sensory activity that helps children practice writing by forming shapes or letters in the sand. They can practice drawing or writing their names.
Introducing your child to an easel can help develop their small motor control by allowing them to practice holding chalk, a brush, etc. An easel will also promote creativity by allowing your child to use his imagination to create fine arts.
Multiplay Experience games promote play experiences based on collaboration, creativity and continuous learning. Qualities that apply to the classroom are very useful. In fact, there are many reasons to recommend Multiplay Experience toys as an educational tool. Here are some of them:
- They adapt to the child’s ability and potential.
- They help the child to work with different intelligences.
- They allow children to develop new skills.
- They can be used individually or in groups.
- They are committed to teamwork and personal development.
- Facilitate “learning by playing” through direct experience.
- Stimulate the curiosity of the students and pose challenges for the children.
More complex construction games, such as those that are magnetic, are a great way to promote creativity and problem solving, whether it’s trying to build the same structure shown in the box or create your own masterpiece.
If the game comes with blocks of different colors, you can also practice counting and sorting each color.
Counting toys is also ideal for helping your child continue to learn about numbers. These toys can range from simple stacking games to indoor bowling. Toys that encourage children to play with others also help them develop social skills.